It's been some time that I posted an Interlude. Today is Ash Wednesday and it reminded me of poem I wrote some time ago about Lent. As many of you know, the word "lent" means spring. This poem was inspired by a thunder snow storm, that may have occurred on Ash Wednesday in 2009, but I'm not sure about the exact date of the storm. What I do remember is that, for me, Lent started with a clap of thunder. Here's the poem:
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O Thunderous Lent
O thunderous Lent that awakens Earth from its winter-sleep,
That dissolves the pall of sleet and snow in foggy mists and pattering rains
That makes the ground fragrant before leaf and bud appear,
That fans chilled air to warmth by the winged beat of returning bird, and
Marks the end of death and Life's return;
O thunderous Lent, awaken the human soul from its wintry slumber
Dissolve the pall of its certainty within the mists of Mystery and the waters of Truth;
Arouse its senses with the fragrance of life yet to be seen;
Warm it with the winged beat of a loving heart, and
Mark it for resurrection, to Life returned.
Norman Wright
March 12, 2009
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Up next will be a post on forgiveness as part of my discussion on Redemption Theology.
Until then, stay faithful.
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